Shipping FAQs
Shipping FAQs
Do you charge for shipping?
We offer free standard shipping and free return shipping for all orders shipping to the United States. Standard shipping ranges from 2-5 days, depending on the region. Most small packages are sent via USPS and most large packages via FedEx Ground. You will receive a tracking number when your order is fulfilled.
International Shipping rates vary greatly by country, but we are happy to offer three shipping options: USPS First Class International, FedEx International Economy, and FedEx International Priority. USPS tracking availability varies by country, while FedEx tracking is always available. Please note we do not cover any import or customs duties that may apply.
Please contact us with any special requests.
When will my order ship?
Orders placed Monday-Friday before 4pm EST ship same-day. Orders received after 4pm EST will ship the next business day.* Orders placed on a holiday will ship the next business day. You will receive a tracking number when your order is fulfilled. *Orders with monograms may be delayed by one shipping day.
Do you cover customs and taxes internationally?
We do not cover import or customs duties. Please contact us if you have any questions.
We accurately fill out all customs forms
Why is my tracking number not working?
Sometimes it can take up to 24 hours for the tracking number to be updated and accurate. Please make sure to wait 24 hours from the day your order was shipped to get updated tracking information. If it has been longer than 24 hours, please contact us with any questions.